Do you want to improve HVAC efficiency at your facility? Running the most energy-efficient HVAC system won’t provide all the benefits you’re hoping for if you’re not properly maintaining it. An HVAC maintenance checklist helps ensure you’re maximizing efficiency and savings.

The Benefits of HVAC Energy Conservation

If you were building a campfire to stay warm, would you throw hundred dollars bills in with the logs to fuel the flame? Of course, you wouldn’t, but if you’re using inefficient HVAC equipment, you’re fueling your fires with wasted money.

Ensuring you’re using the most energy-efficient HVAC system provides several benefits for your business.

Significant Energy Cost Savings

Commercial facilities have a tremendous amount of working parts in their heating and cooling systems. Even if just one piece has a leak or isn’t working at a high-efficiency rate, it could cost you a lot of money.

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) is a rating used to determine how efficient a gas furnace is. Older equipment can rate as low as 63. That means 37 cents for every dollar you spend on heating goes to lost energy. Current high-efficiency systems have at least a 93 AFUE. When comparing old equipment with current high-efficient systems, you save 30 cents for every dollar spent.

Some programs offer rebates or grants when organizations upgrade their heating and cooling systems to provide additional savings.

Increased Service Life

The more efficiently your air conditioning unit or heating system runs, the longer it lasts. Inefficient equipment has to work harder to produce the same results as a more efficient system. Over time, these parts break down, resulting in costly repairs, replacements, or downtime.

Improved Air Quality and Flow

High-efficiency heating and cooling systems provide better airflow and quality. Variable speed motors offer a consistent flow of air, benefiting your building by:

  • Removing airborne impurities
  • Increased health benefits
  • Consistent temperatures
  • Clean and fresh smelling air

HVAC Maintenance Checklist to Improve Efficiency

If replacing your heating and cooling systems is not within the budget, you can use a variety of solutions to improve efficiency. This handy HVAC checklist will help you make the most of your air conditioner, gas furnace, outdoor unit, and other equipment.

  1. Check ventilation
  2. Change filters regularly
  3. Seal ducts
  4. Program your thermostats

Check Ventilation

Ventilation plays an essential role in creating the most energy-efficient HVAC system. Air is moved from the heating or cooling unit throughout the building using the ventilation system. Making sure this process is efficient produces significant savings on energy bills. Besides improved HVAC efficiency, proper ventilation also benefits your facility by reducing airborne contaminants from accumulating and preventing mold growth.

Change Filters

Dirty air conditioning filters reduce airflow through your system. This not only reduces HVAC energy conservation but may damage your unit. Professionals recommend changing your air filters at least once every three months. Clean filters also increase indoor air quality, lower bills, and add longevity to your unit.

Seal Ducts

Leaking ducts are a significant source of wasted energy. If your ductwork is not sealed correctly, hot and cool air escapes and is wasted. There are numerous types of materials you can use to seal leaks and improve HVAC efficiency. Service professionals can also wrap ducts in insulation to increase HVAC energy conservation further. If your ductwork needs more than just a little help, seek professionals to install a new system.

Program Your Thermostats

Programmable thermostats allow you to set temperatures for specific times. Setting your system ensures you’re not overusing the central air conditioning unit when no one is in the building. Even the most energy-efficient HVAC system won’t lower energy bills if you’re blasting heat through your facility when there are no people to keep warm with your furnace. The key is consistency. You cannot set back the temperature too far or you will spend your savings reheating or recooling the space. While at the same time, you don’t need to maintain occupied temperatures 24/7/365. Using your HVAC system based on occupancy is an effective way to prolong its life as well.

Preventative Maintenance Helps Improve HVAC Efficiency

Preventative maintenance plays a critical role in supporting the most energy-efficient HVAC systems. Committing to professional service programs will benefit your HVAC system by:

  • Prolonging the life expectancy of equipment
  • Reducing the need for costly repairs
  • Nearly eliminating reactive maintenance
  • Limiting downtime
  • Keeping systems running at peak efficiency
  • Maintaining safe and healthy work environments

Service Unlimited Is Here to Help Lower Your Energy Costs

If you are looking to improve HVAC efficiency at your business to help lower costs, increase your equipment’s service life, and improve indoor air quality, reach out to Service Unlimited. For nearly 60 years, we have been providing industry-leading HVAC services for our clients. Contact us today to find out how we can help.